Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stepping it up...

So I have been at this exercise thing for two and a half weeks now, and I have not lost any weight. Probably because my diet hasn't been the healthiest. At least I haven't been saying no to the sweet side of things, so that needs to change and I feel I need to step up my routine. I wish I felt comfortable going outside by myself and running, but I don't so I am stuck indoors with my exercise videos. So I am going to continue doing my Jillian Michaels DVD's and add in some pilates, so I will be exercising about 50-60 minutes daily. Hopefully I will see some progress by the next time I take measurements. I so want to fit back into the majority of my clothes instead of a small fraction of them. It can be so frustrating looking at all of my clothes some days and know I can only wear a few of them, some still being maternity. So we will see how it goes. I like Becca will be posting my goals here in the next day or so.

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