Friday, September 5, 2008

My coach/helper

I have a coach now. His name is Boyd! He helps me get out my equipment every morning and puts in the DVD for me. And then he counts with me and pushes me even further by saying I need to do another DVD! And by the way, he calls exercises "eckercises"! It is cute!

Today I did a Jillian DVD and an entire Pilates DVD! It burned and I am sore, but it feels good and I stink afterwards so I shower everyday which helps me not feel like a frumpy mom, which is one of my goals I have set. Too often I feel like a frump, so exercising helps me and I have more energy to keep up with Boyd since he never seems to run out of steam! Hope you are all having a great experience and can't wait to hear how sore you have been!


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