Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How are you all doing?

From Debbie:
Wow, it's been a while since anyone posted. I hope you are all doing better than me exercise wise and aren't posting because you are so busy exercising but unfortunately that has not been the case with me. I have fallen behind on my exercise lately. I am about a week behind on my way to Jamaica and I would be further behind if it weren't for playing volleyball with the family in Brigham last week. I am trying to get more into the swing of things and did exercise for a half hour today (I got about 12 hours of sleep last night and still had a hard time waking up at 7:30 this morning but a least I had enough energy to exercise) and I measured myself afterward. I measured myself about 2 months ago but lost the measurements and haven't bothered thinking I would find them and then measure myself again. Anyway, I finally gave up on that and started over and I am trying to push myself to exercise and catch up with you all so I can celebrate in Jamaica. I also set a weight goal to not gain any weight during the holidays. I know this might seem like a lame goal to some of you but it works for me. Anyway, I hope you are all doing great with your exercising, I know Carrie is still going strong and is really close to hitting her 6 month mark which amazes me. Good job Carrie!

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