Friday, October 17, 2008


I just got back from running for the first time this week and I went about 3.8 miles in 42 minutes! Wahooooooo!!!!! So that puts me at about an 11.35 minute mile, which is okay. I would like to be able to do it faster, but I am just glad I was able to run that far. I am very proud of myself. I did think about cutting through the park by me house, so I could get home for Aaron to get ready, but he still had plenty of time if I went the entire round. And I think I even got into the runner's high that you get into! I am really excited. This last week and a half has been tough for me. I have had a hard time exercising with my kids screaming or getting into stuff that they aren't suppose to and what not, and then I have just been tired. But I want to accomplish my goals and work hard towards them, so I figured I needed to stick with it even if some days it is not worth the trouble....I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I am proud of myself today and I hope I can push myself to go faster and even further over the next few weeks! By the way Aaron's response when I told him how far I went was "sick"!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New pants

First off: Yea for Becca getting up an hour earlier to do a workout video. Every morning I say I should get up and do my workout before the kids get up and I never do. So good job! I hope you liked the video. I sure do! They all kick my butt, but I try to push myself and I find I have more energy during the day!

So this past week has been awful for me in terms of sweets. For General Conference we made cinnamon rolls, and then Aaron made cookies (twice), and last night for Young Women's I ate french fries and a hot fudge sundae. It was all delicious, but I am sure it didn't help my weight loss at all, so much so that I am considering not weighing in to day! Yikes! But two days ago I was able to wear comfortably a pair of pants I have not been able to fit in to. So it was like I had new pants. I was glad. They are still a little tight around the waist, but it wasn't bad.

And now I am waiting for Aaron to get home from class so I can go running, since I was a slacker and didn't get out of bed this morning. I especially need to go since I slacked yesterday too and didn't do any exercise. Go me! Ha!

Carrie I hope this weeks weigh in treated you better than last week! And Debbie I hope you are doing well. Hopefully no more 'bugs' get in your family!

I love you all!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yay for me!

You all should be VERY proud of me. This morning I got up an hour early so that I could do Jilliam Michaels workout BEFORE work! I have decided that when I plan on exercising in the evening half the time I end up doing something else, so I need to start working out in the morning. Anyway, I was very proud of myself. And, as embarrassing as this is, the work out completely kicked my butt and I only did level one. Hopefully I can keep this up as well as run a few times a week in the evenings! That would just be great!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Great Popsicles

I just wanted to let you know I found these great Popsicles. They are Breyers Pomegranate Blends. At Wal*Mart they are around $2.50 for 12 of them. Anyways, I thought I would share my find because Becca was always talking about how she liked popsicles and what not in the that it is fall and winter well on its way. Oh ya and they are only 40 calories per bar. I hope this makes some sense. It is way past the time I wanted to be in bed and yet here I am typing away. Ok, I am done. Good luck this week ladies. I hope you are all doing well and are happy!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Just Plain Tired

What a night! Blythe woke up at 2 and about every two hours from then on out...and Boyd was waking up in between, crying because his finger hurt. And then he wanted to cuddle in my bed, so I ended up on the couch half the night. I was planning on running outside today, but I was just too tired, so a 20-minute pilate workout it was....Hopefully tomorrow I can go out and run, and not be dragging like I am right now. Hopefully today I will get a nap...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So this morning I decided Thursdays would be my weigh in day, just to keep track and then I plan to take my measurements once a month. That will be October 25th, but today I weighed myself and I lost 2 pounds! Wahoo! I have been working hard this week, and am glad to see that I lost a couple pounds. Oh and by the way I did level 3 today and oh my kick my butt! It is tough. I have a hard time doing push ups since I have NEVER been able to do them and I guess I have a rotator cuff injury on my right arm, so that makes it hard too. I think I am done rambling now. I hope you are all doing well! Love ya

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Going a little bit further

Carrie, you are the WOMAN! Way to keep up with your regiment! I am sorry you didn't see the results you wanted this week! Hopefully this plateau will pass QUICKLY and you will be back losing inches each week. You deserve it! None of this backwards stuff!

Today I ran 33 minutes, so I am guessing it is pretty close to three miles, and it felt great. I know on my there, before I turned around, I was going faster than I did on Monday by about a minute or so. I was glad to see that. And I was really glad to go a little further than I did the other day. There is a greenbelt behind my apartment that I am running on and then I ran through the neighborhood for a few minutes. I was really glad. When I got home I was spent though. But I took a breather and I completed Level 2 of the 30-day shred. And now I really stink, so I should probably go shower. But Aaron is late for class and still needs to shower. He hates his class so getting him on time is near impossible and he has been up for two hours. But he was craving the cookies that both Debbie and Cathy have called him about so he had to make them. Thanks girls! As if the Oreo's weren't enough of a temptation! Just kidding.

By the way yesterday was tough. I started doing a workout video and I think I had it on for about an hour and only was able to get about ten minutes into it between Boyd and Blythe. I had planned on doing it last night, but Aaron wasn't doing homework, so we watched a movie and a couple episodes of The Office. And I did indulge in the Oreo's. Blast it! Hopefully I will have more days like today!