Friday, October 17, 2008


I just got back from running for the first time this week and I went about 3.8 miles in 42 minutes! Wahooooooo!!!!! So that puts me at about an 11.35 minute mile, which is okay. I would like to be able to do it faster, but I am just glad I was able to run that far. I am very proud of myself. I did think about cutting through the park by me house, so I could get home for Aaron to get ready, but he still had plenty of time if I went the entire round. And I think I even got into the runner's high that you get into! I am really excited. This last week and a half has been tough for me. I have had a hard time exercising with my kids screaming or getting into stuff that they aren't suppose to and what not, and then I have just been tired. But I want to accomplish my goals and work hard towards them, so I figured I needed to stick with it even if some days it is not worth the trouble....I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I am proud of myself today and I hope I can push myself to go faster and even further over the next few weeks! By the way Aaron's response when I told him how far I went was "sick"!

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